Setting Up An Acestream Proxy
Acestream seem to provide the best quality online streams, but as its essentially video over bittorrent, its not really the kind of traffic i want on my home network. This is a rundown on setting up an Acestream proxy on another host. This will output a stream you can just load up in VLC.
Once you have complete this, i would suggest you take a look at my post on scaling up the proxy, available HERE
Pre-requisites (installing acestream)
We need to install several packages and the acestream-engine itself.
So, to start with, lets install the basic packages we need:
jon@stream-origin:~$ sudo apt-get install python-gevent python-psutil git vlc
Once thats complete we need to install the Acestream engine.
jon@stream-origin:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following line
deb trusty main
Install the publickey for the repo
sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Update and install
jon@stream-origin:~$ sudo apt-get update
jon@stream-origin:~$ sudo apt-get install acestream-engine
Thats it for installing acestream and the pre-req’s. Next we will configure the proxy itself.
Getting the proxy
A nice chap going by the github username – ValdikSS wrote this software, so all thanks go to him.
Now, lets get it downloaded.
jon@stream-origin:~$ git clone
Whenever you want to update the proxy, just run “git pull”
Configure the proxy
Next we need to go through and configure the proxy. There are a few changes we need to make:
Open up and set the following vlcuse = True
It is recommended to also set the following:
videodelay = 0
videoobey = False
videopausedelay = 0
That should be all you need to do.
Now onto running the proxy.
Running the proxy
Now that the proxy is configured, lets try it out. There are a few programs that need to be started before hand. Id suggest having a couple of terminals up, just while we are testing. Once you are happy they are working you can push them to the background.
First we need to start VLC:
jon@stream-origin:~$ vlc -I telnet --clock-jitter -1 --network-caching -1 --sout-mux-caching 2000 --telnet-password admin
Then we need to start the Acestream-engine
jon@stream-origin:~$ acestream-engine --client-console
Once they are both started, lets start the proxy:
jon@stream-origin:~$ python
That should be it. You can test its running by going to ip of your machine, plus the port set in then /stat. So for example
This should then show you the connected clients, and the max concurrent connections.
Viewing a stream
Now we get to the actual watching a stream. This is all on your local machine. Not the proxy. Firstly, you need to know the acestream hash of the stream you want to watch. Im not going to give out links to where you can find them, but google is your friend.
All you need to do is open VLC, go to “Open network Stream” and put in the following
Thats it. The stream will load up in VLC.